

(executor opts)

Create a function that takes a query string, as well as an optional map of :variables, :operation-name and :context and produces the result of executing the query.

(def run-query
  (alumbra.pipeline/executor opts))

(run-query "{ me { name } }")
;; => {:status :success, :data {"me" { ... }}, ...}

See alumbra.pipeline.steps/run for the necessary opts and the expected result format.


(handler {:keys [parser-fn validator-fn canonicalize-fn executor-fn context-fn]})

Generate a Ring Handler for handling GraphQL requests.

  • :parser-fn: a parser function for GraphQL documents (producing a value conforming to either :alumbra/document or :alumbra/parser-errors),
  • :validator-fn: a function taking an :alumbra/document and producing either nil or a value conforming to :alumbra/validation-errors,
  • :canonicalize-fn: a function taking an :alumbra/document and producing an :alumbra/canonical-document,
  • :context-fn: a function taking an HTTP request and returning a value representing the context of the GraphQL query,
  • :executor-fn: an executor function, taking the request context, as well as a map conforming to :alumbra/canonical-operation and returning the resolved result.

The resulting handler will expect queries to be sent using POST, represented by a JSON map with the keys "operationName", "query" and “variables”.