(executor {:keys [schema query mutation subscription engine env scalars directives], :as opts})
Creates a function that takes a query string, as well as an option map, returning the result of running the query.
(def run-query
{:schema (io/resource "Schema.gql")
:query QueryRoot}))
(run-query "{ person { name } }")
;; => {:status :success, :data {"person" {"name" ...}}}
Allowed options are:
: for multi-operation queries, sets the one to execute,:variables
: a map of variable name strings to their value,:context
: a context map to-be-merged into the resolution environment.
All handler options (except :context-fn
) are suppored.
(handler {:keys [schema query mutation subscription engine env context-fn scalars directives], :as opts})
Generate a Ring handler for GraphQL execution based on the given GraphQL :schema
type Person {
id: ID!,
name: String!
type QueryRoot {
person(id: ID!): Person
me: Person
schema {
query: QueryRoot
The root types defined in the schema have to be given within opts
Each root type has to be a map associating field names with claro resolvables:
(def QueryRoot
{:person (map->Person {})
:me (map->Me {})
A basic GraphQL handler thus consists of at least:
{:schema (io/resource "Schema.gql")
:query QueryRoot})
Schemas can be given as strings, File
or URI
values. Multiple schemas can be supplied and will be merged in-order.
A claro resolution environment can be supplied using :env
. The environment can be extended using a request-specific :context-fn
function, e.g.:
(defn context-fn
{:locale (read-locale request)
:db (select-db-for request)
:session (read-session request)})
The claro engine to-be-used for resolution can be specified using :engine
, allowing for custom engine middlewares to be attached.
Custom directive handlers can be defined in :directives
. They’ll take a claro projection and the respective directive arguments, allowing a new projection to be generated. For example, the @skip
handler is defined as:
{"skip" (fn [projection arguments]
(when-not (:if arguments)
Custom scalar handlers can be defined in :scalars
, as :encode
{"NumericalID" {:encode str, :decode #(Long. %)}}
Note that, for both directives and scalars, the respective schema definitions have to exist.
(string-validator schema)
Generate a validator function that takes GraphQL query document strings as input.
(def validate
"type Person { id: ID!, name: String!, friends: [Person!] }
type QueryRoot { person(id: ID!): Person }
schema { query: QueryRoot }"))
On successful validation, the validator returns nil